Tips for freezing weather and year round maintenance.

Our recommendations for all dwellings to prevent plumbing issues are as follows:

 All properties should have water run in each fixture  (hot and cold) once a week to ensure the p-traps do not dry out and allow sewer gas to permeate the residence. These fixtures should also be inspected for any leaks around the base, handles, and under the counter at the shut off valves.  Minor leaks can lead to water damage, mold, and major repairs. Any known leaks should be addressed or reported to the property manager as soon as possible.

 Running the hot water through fixtures also ensures the hot water system (tank or tankless) is in good working order. Any lukewarm water or low pressure on the hot water side should be addressed or reported to the property manager as soon as possible.

 Commodes should also be flushed weekly to ensure the p-trap is holding water. The commode should also be inspected for leaking at the base and shut-off valve. This again, can create major structural damage if not addressed as soon as possible. Verify the commode is flushing properly and not running, if not it should be addressed or reported to the property manager as soon as possible.

 It is always a good idea to inspect all drains are not leaking or backing up. Kitchen, bathroom lavatories, utility sinks, and washing machines should drain quickly with no under counter/cabinet leaking.

 If you have a major water line break or sewer line break, call 311 and the City of Austin will turn the water off (to the home). If renting of lease - contact the property manager so a plumber can address the issues.

To report a natural gas odor or emergency, leave the area immediately and call 911 and Texas Gas Service at 800-959-5325. If renting or lease - contact the property manager so a plumber can address the issues.

 Tips for a winter freeze:

 Don't  shut off your water! There is still water in the lines that will freeze and crack pipes.

 Wrap outdoor hose bibs with layers of towels, place a plastic trash bag over the towel, then secure with duct tape or bungee cord. If the hose bib is on a north wall, place something in front of the hose bib to block the wind. Simply foam faucet covers will not be enough when temperatures dip below 28 degrees.

 Small stream (more than a drip) of both hot and cold water in all faucets for pier and beam homes. For homes on a slab, small stream of hot and cold for fixtures that back up to an exterior wall. As the temperatures drop so may the water pressure and you will need to increase the water flow.

 Open all cabinet doors under sinks to allow warm air to circulate.

 Know where your property owner's valve is in case of emergency.

 Exterior tankless water heaters can be assisted with a heat lamp focused on the bottom of the heater. Like all other fixtures – continue to run the water through the unit so hot water can keep pipes from freezing. The heat lamp will greatly benefit units in locations not well insulated like attics, garage, etc. Not all heat lamps can be used when there is precipitation (outside) so, please be aware of that! The ceramic socket on the heat lamp or brooders lamp is recommended. Clip the lamp underneath the unit and direct the heat upwards, toward the bottom of the tankless unit. Use the lamp any time the temperatures goe below 32 degrees.


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